SchuhzuGehör path of awareness_midtown ny (2015)


part 29, 2015
14.9. – 16.9.2015

SchuhzuGehör_path of awareness explores an individual’s personal experience of space through walking, particularly the interplay between sound event (footsteps) and surrounding architecture. Using the ACFNY as a starting point, a route will be marked: a „path of awareness“ offering a wide variety of opportunities to investigate the act of walking itself, characteristics of footwear and the walkability of urban space along with its architectural and atmospheric qualities.

The main requirements are a moderate walking tempo, a uniformity of movement, and a willingness to open up our auditory perception as much as possible. Let us confront this act of intentional listening amidst our own gait. This is how we can sense clear spatial thresholds-that is, transitions from one auditory space to another-and perceive minute spatial shifts. The shoes we wear along this way become soloists in space, instruments that enter into a dialog within the environment, provide us with spatial orientation, and locate us in space.
path of awareness_ny©katrinem
There will be guided performances by katrinem, as well as the possibility to explore the path on one’s own (Download Map). For this, visitors are encouraged to put on their most “sounding” shoes!

A video of the path can be found on Vimeo:

Guided walking performances dates:

>> MON September 14, 2015: 6:00 PM, 9:00 PM
>> TUE September 15, 2015: 6:00 PM, 9:00 PM
>> WED September 16, 2015: 6:00 PM, 9:00 PM

(duration 1 hour, length 1.8 ml), Please be on time for the beginning, it’s not possible to join later on! Unfortunately, there is no place to store your bags while on the tour, so please travel light.

Starting point:
ACFNY, Austrian Cultural Forum New York, 11E 52nd Street

There is a limited number of participants for each performance. Please make your reservation!
Link to ACFNY

This path of awareness has been developed for the moving sounds festival 2015 at the ACFNY.

An article about the developing process and the walk itself has been published in January 2016 in n.paradoxa: international feminist art journal, which can be purchased here:

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