
part38_SchuhzuGehör_path of awareness_boston
developed for the Goethe-Institut Boston

1_map_on the path_boston©katrinem Kopie Kopie

SchuhzuGehör_path of awareness_boston explores an individual‘s personal experience of space through walking, particularly the interplay between sound events (footsteps) and surrounding architecture. Using the Goethe-Institut Boston as a starting point, a route will be marked: a path of awareness offering a wide variety of opportunities to investigate the act of walking itself, cha- racteristics of footwear and the walkability of urban space along with its architectural and atmospheric qualities.

The main requirements are a moderate walking tempo, a uniformity of movement, and a willingness to open up our auditory perception as much as possible. Let us con- front this act of intentional listening amidst our own gait. This is how we sense clear spa- tial thresholds – that is, transitions from one auditory space to another – and perceive minute spatial shifts. The shoes we wear along this way become soloists in space, instruments that enter into a dialog with the environment, provide us with spatial orien- tation, and locate us in space. Visitors are encouraged to put on their most ‘sounding‘ shoes and follow the score!
Performed and recorded by katrinem on May 16th, 2017 around 4pm:

Video of the path can be found on Vimeo:

Click here to download the pdf version of the map and instructions

Check out the part on Goethe Institut Boston

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